Classes & Grades

Term Two Fall 2013-2014

Econ 111
Shows the student how to understand the individual consumption and production decisions which are made within a market economy, guided by prices and costs. Economic concepts of supply, demand, cost, response to price changes, production, equilibrium, and income distribution are analyzed. 

Astr 102
Provides an overview of the large scale structure of the universe on a descriptive level. Topics include the structure of our own galaxy, the local group of galaxies, the classification of galaxies, and galaxy clusters. Galactic and extragalactic distance scales are also introduced. Further topics include the energy and matter content of the observable universe, evidence for dark matter and dark energy, and the history of the universe from the big bang to the present epoch. Contemporary experiments and observations in cosmology are also discussed. 
Mid term 1: 60%
Midterm 2: 80%

Pols 204
Introduces students to the main structures and processes of Canada's national government, including the Constitution and federalism, the Crown, the Prime Minister, the Cabinet, Parliament and the courts. 

Term One Winter 2012-2013

Pols 111
 An introduction to the study of politics through an examination of contemporary issues and ideas that arise in and between the democratic systems of Canada and the United States, including democracy, sovereignty, aboriginal issues, NAFTA, globalization, identity, rights, representation and political participation. Final Grade 70%

Pols 112
An introduction to political ideas and change in a global era. The course explores themes such as nationalism, ideology, development, democratization, globalization, sovereignty, conflict and human rights. Final Grade 76%

*All course description have been taken  from the U of S catalog.

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