Sunday, March 23, 2014

Bad Blogger

I know have been a bad blogger. This term has been the worst and  I thought last term was bad since I started it with walking pneumonia.  This term started out fine and it was good, I love my classes, I was healthy. Then I got the phone call no one wants to get.  I had to drive to the 'peg, the day my history term paper was due.  My Granny was not doing well, and I needed to come home to say goodbye.  That trip was emotionally hard and it was a long long drive.  A few weeks ago, I decided to open my own cat sitting business, in the hopes that I would be able  quit my job at  the pet store.  My husband is working more and to make stuff really fun my husband  is going to start ground school in August. My Husband is hoping to become a pilot. Then in the last few weeks my oldest cat started to get sicker and on March 15, she had a seizure when I came home from a birthday party, and since then she  has been a few seizures a day.  So my husband and I have made the decision to put her to sleep tomorrow.  Tomorrow, I will be saying goodbye to the sweetest cat anyone could ever have.   We love her more than she will ever know. She will be so missed and will be loved forever and a day.